Outdoor Air Quality

Outdoor air is often referred to as ambient air, which means the air outside buildings, from ground level to several miles above the Earth's surface.
Outdoor air pollution contains numerous substances of both natural and human caused origin that can cause serious harm to the human health and the environment.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

Ozone (O3)


Particulate Matter (PM)

PM2.5, PM10, TSP

Pollution Gases

Sources: motor vehicles, fires, cigarette smoke, industry

Sources: emissions from motor vehicles, industry, unflued gas-heaters and gas stove tops

Sources: fossil fuel combustion at power plants and other industrial facilities

Sources: Ground level ozone is the main component of smog and is the product of the interaction between sunlight and emissions from sources such as motor vehicles and industry.

Sources: Industry, Motor vehicles

Sources: motor vehicles, wood burning heaters, industry

Others: Lead, Pollen, Mold spores, Dust

Other detection parameter: HR, Air Temperature, Rain, Solar radiation, Vapor pressure, Barometric pressure, Horizontal wind speed

Outdoor Air Quality Detection Solutions
EC Sense provides outdoor air quality gas sensors and gas sensor modules for detection of NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide), CO (Carbon Monoxide), SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide), O3 (Ozone), TVOC (Total Organic Compound) and Outdoor Air Quality.


  • Lower detectable limit of 1 ppb/1 µg/m³

  • Fast response time

Gas Sensor Features:

  • Small size

  • Long lifetime > 3 years

  • No warm-up time required

  • No zero line drift

Gas Sensor Module Features:

  • Detects gas, temperature and humidity

  • Digital signal UART (TTL 3.3V) or I2 C output

  • Low power consumption and sleep mode (suitable for battery and IoT applications)

  • Wide temperature range of -40°C to +55°C


TB600B-NO2-2 ppm                 TB600B-SO2-5 ppm                 TB600B-O3-5 ppm                 TB600B-CO-10 ppm                 TB600B-TVOC-10 ppm                TB600B-AQI-10 ppm

DGM10: Part Number Example: 04-DGM10-SO2-NO2-5-01
SO2-5 ppm            TVOC-10 ppm            CO-10 ppm            NO2-2 ppm            O3-5 ppm              AQI-10 ppm

EC Sense Products are typically used in the following applications:

  • Smart City

  • Outdoor City Air Quality

  • IoT Big Data Air Quality

  • Outdoor Air Quality Small Station Monitoring

EC Sense Sensor Technology

The EC Sense solid polymer electrochemical technology is a revolutionary innovation in the field of electrochemical detection. This technology is based on the principle of electrochemical catalytic reaction, detecting the output signals of the electrochemical reactions of different gases and accurately measuring the gas concentration through the signal. The sensor is composed of three electrodes in contact with the electrolyte. A typical electrode consists of a large surface area of noble metal and other materials. The electrode, electrolyte and the surrounding air are in contact and the gas diffuses into the working electrode. Here the gas will be oxidized, this causes a current, which is proportional to the gas concentration.